Many people think that one installed antivirus is enough to protect a computer, and when a virus nevertheless infects a computer, they begin to scold the antivirus program or change it to another. In order to ensure the full security of your PC, you need to complete a set of measures and remember several rules for working with the Internet.

Step 1
Antivirus software is your primary means of protecting your computer, so install it first to ensure security.
New viruses appear every day, so your antivirus needs to be updated regularly.
It is better to use the paid version of the antivirus, as it has more features.
Step 2
Update your operating system and browser to the latest version, because it is through their "holes" that most viruses enter the computer. Do this regularly or install automatic updates.
Step 3
Turn on Windows firewall or install any other, it will alert you about suspicious activity of programs that may be viruses.