The lack of a 3G signal entering the USB modem may be due to a number of reasons. Some of them are based on problems caused by the modem itself, its design features.

Location geography
If you notice that when you connect a USB modem from MTS, you never get a 3G signal, then, first of all, you should contact the communication salon or call the provider's help desk to find out the possibility of receiving a 3G signal in your area. Also, this information can be obtained on the Internet at the provider's website, where there is a map of the area covered by the 3G network.
Modem settings
If the terrain of your location is suitable for optimal 3G signal reception, then there may be several cases of problems. The first one is related to the fact that your USB modem is not configured to receive a 3G signal at all. The second case is based on the fact that due to a weak reception signal, the modem is reconfigured to a low-speed network, the signal of which is much stronger. These options are available in the settings of the "Connect Manager" program. Open this program and go to the settings section. In this section, select the "Network" item. Check which option is checked. If you selected "EDGE / GPRS Only" or "3G Priority", then change it to "3G Only". Then close and open the program and reconnect to the network.
If the "3G only" option was selected in the modem settings, then this means that the problem lies not in the modem settings. The first thing to do in this case is to reinstall the modem drivers. Open "Device Manager" through the "My Computer" window. Select your USB modem in the list of devices and right-click on it, then click the "Remove driver" button. The Add / Remove Hardware Wizard will guide you through the process. Check if all drivers related to the modem have been removed. As a rule, several devices in the list belong to a USB modem. Try to remove the drivers for each of them. Also, take care of uninstalling the Connect Manager program. To do this, open your computer's control panel. Go to the "Programs and Features" section. In the list of all programs, find the "Connect Manager" program and click the "Remove" button. The software uninstall manager will open, with which you can complete the uninstallation procedure to the end. After that, reinstall the modem device drivers as it was done earlier, as well as the application itself for connecting to the network. Check the working capacity of the 3G network after all the operations performed.