When you have a satellite dish at home, you want to take everything from it that it can do, i.e. maximum channels. Smart owners of satellite TV channels are trying to do everything so that users pay for their services. Of course, you can understand them. But our reality dictates harsh conditions for survival. The most interesting channels are not available to us. We strive to watch the channels for free and do our best and the impossible. We are often ready to take even illegal actions. Scrambled channels beckon us like forbidden fruit.

Pirate codes on the Internet, map (emulator)
Step 1
Basically, there are several options to decode a satellite TV channel. The first option is the simplest and most reliable - you can honestly pay for the broadcast of the channel you are interested in. In this case, you can watch your favorite programs as much as you like and sleep with a clear conscience.
Step 2
Unfortunately, the cost of watching foreign channels costs a lot of money. This is where the second decoding option comes to our aid. You need to buy a card (emulator) to view encoded channels. Most often, such cards are made in pirate conditions, but they also cost money.
Step 3
Cards for viewing scrambled channels are similar in appearance to a regular telephone card. There are several types of maps: Pic - maps (peak maps), FUN maps, etc. They are easy to use: we load tuner programs from the computer into the card processor, and the firmware with the codes of the required foreign providers into the card memory.
Step 4
All foreign suppliers (providers) release their packages for a certain number of channels. To open the card, you need to enter the code. You can upload from 16 to 40 channels to the card, depending on its type - then you will need a new encoding.
Step 5
You can reflash the card, but today there are programmers on sale that solve all problems with encoding. The shops also have commercial cards with a high level of security. The prices for such cards are not low, besides, you will also need to buy a programmer. The sum comes out round.
Step 6
The third way to watch the encoded channel is sharing. This is the cheapest option today to see your favorite encrypted channel. Sharing means that many subscribers are connected to one official card. As a result, the fee for each participant in the sharing is small. The sharing system in many ways resembles a similar picture with the networked Internet. This is not beneficial for the provider, but it is convenient for the viewers.