The ink cartridge may dry out due to long periods of inactivity or as a result of untimely refills. Manufacturers of inkjet printers strongly object to any manipulation of cartridges (other than completely replacing them), but in most cases this costly procedure can be avoided.

- ladle or iron bowl;
- pliers;
- toilet paper or napkins.
Step 1
We take out the cartridge. It slides out by itself when you open the printer's cover, just press the box slightly down and it will easily come out.
Step 2
Now you need to heat a small amount of water on the stove in a ladle or iron bowl so that steam comes out. We take the cartridge and hold the printheads over the vapors. It can get hot, so it is best to hold it with pliers. Just do not squeeze in any case, so as not to damage.
Step 3
The dried paint in the head should get wet and start dripping, wipe off all excess with napkins until all the colors break through. This can take a rather long period of time, depending on the degree of neglect of the print nozzles.
Step 4
If the ink cartridge has not been used for a long time, then you will have to rinse it from the inside. Carefully open the cover. Older models have a special metal device for this. Do not be afraid of a little crunch, you cannot do without it. On new printers, the cover is sealed with adhesive tape, first you need to get rid of it, and then carefully open it with a screwdriver. The main thing is to prevent cracking of the walls, this can render the container unusable. We take out the absorbent inserts and rinse them with warm water, be sure to remember where each of them was.
Step 5
We immerse the printheads in warm water for 2 hours. After that, we dry everything thoroughly so as not to cause a short circuit, and collect it. The lid can be secured with tape. Pour some ink into containers, in accordance with the color circles indicated on the sticker. We blot the nozzle with a napkin. It should have clear color prints. If available, insert the cartridge into the printer and try printing.
Step 6
If this procedure did not help the first time, then you can repeat it. It is the same for both black and color cartridges with built-in printheads.