The cables that connect the network cards of computers to network equipment are made on the basis of single-core conductors. From frequent bends, they can break. It is possible to determine the integrity of the cable with an ohmmeter only after its slight modification.

Step 1
Before checking the integrity of the cable, make sure it is properly assembled. If two computers or two network devices are connected to each other, a crossover cable should be used, if a computer with a network device is a straight-through cable. It is easy to distinguish them: if both cables have wires connected to the connector in the same order, it is straight, and if in a slightly different one, you have a crossover in front of you.
Step 2
Disconnect the cable from both computers and network equipment before checking.
Step 3
Modify an ohmmeter or other device that replaces it. Purchase a spare set of probes for it. Take two safety pins (regular, not pins). If they have plastic caps, remove them. Solder the pins to the probes.
Step 4
Make an ohmmeter accessory. Take two pins and connect them together with a flexible wire. You will need it if the connectors at the ends of the cables are far apart.
Step 5
If both connectors are available at the same time, connect one probe with a pin to one of the pins of the connector and the other to the pin of the other connector that has a wire of the same color. Check all cable conductors in this way.
Step 6
If the cable connectors are located far from each other, connect any two contacts with an accessory on one side. On the opposite side, connect an ohmmeter with pins to the pins to which the wires of the same colors are connected. Also check all the wires in the cable.
Step 7
If broken conductors are found, determine if the breaks are near the connectors. Replace them with others, keeping the connection order, and then call again. If the problem persists, the cable is broken in the middle.
Step 8
Examine the cable along its entire length. You may be able to spot the damaged area with the naked eye. It could, for example, be stepped on, or animals could gnaw it.