The installation of the skirting board is part of the final stage of the renovation, which plays an aesthetic role. In addition, this finish allows you to hide the wires that get constantly underfoot. PVC material is not harmful to health and is resistant to moisture.

- - self-tapping screws;
- - dowels;
- - drill;
- - screwdriver;
- - a sharp knife.
Step 1
PVC skirting boards are an aesthetic solution for a complete room decoration. They are flexible, easy to cut and install, even if the wall does not have a perfectly flat surface. The color of the material, as a rule, is chosen in accordance with the shade of the floor or slightly darker, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the general color scheme of the room.
Step 2
Determine the length and width of the room, find its perimeter, and subtract the doorways. This will give you the total length of the skirting board. Divide this value by the length of one product and find out how much material is required to finish the entire room.
Step 3
Consider which cables you need to run under the skirting board. It is better to do this immediately, although the installation technology allows you to do this later, if the need arises. This can be a telephone or TV cable, extension cable, or wired Internet.
Step 4
Remove the cover from the cable duct by simply pulling on one side. Start attaching PVC skirting boards from one of the corners, it does not matter if it is internal or external. Put a shaped corner on the edge of the product and attach it to the wall.
Step 5
Drill a hole in the trunking area a short distance from the corner. Insert the dowel and then the self-tapping screw. Use a screwdriver to screw it into the wall. Make sure that the skirting board is firmly pressed against the floor.
Step 6
Place a few more bindings, setting them apart from each other by about 0.8-1 meters. At the same time, each time try to pull the plinth a little in the opposite direction from the corner. This will provide a tighter fit against the wall.
Step 7
When you reach the doorway, cut off the excess, not reaching 2-3 cm before finishing it. Route the cables and close the cable duct. Carefully cut the wire entry / exit holes with a sharp knife. Close the edge of the skirting board with a plug.
Step 8
When you reach the outer corner, cut off the excess, leaving 2-3 cm to the edge of the wall. Install the outer corner. Proceed with the installation of the skirting board according to the already known scheme. Use a connector between the seams. Slide it over the edge of the previous skirting board before tightening the last screw.