Overheating of certain computer devices can damage them. To prevent this process, it is necessary to timely identify the malfunctions that caused the local temperature rise.

The temperature of modern video adapters should not exceed 85 ° C. Exceeding the critical mark can damage the device. Usually, video cards overheat a lot due to poor quality cooling. This may be due to several factors at once: Firstly, a broken fan can be the reason for the heating of the video adapter. Sometimes this device is not efficient enough. Usually such problems are caused by the accumulation of dust on the fan blades. This leads to a slowdown in their rotation and a decrease in air flow. Sometimes the lack of timely lubrication can lead to a slowdown in the rotational speed of the cooler. The second common reason for overheating of a video card is a global increase in air temperature inside the system unit. Coolers are designed to supply cool air from outside. If the fans installed on the case of the unit do not work properly, the cooler of the video card will blow not cold, but warm air from the case onto the radiator. This problem is solved by replacing the cooler on the block or removing the cover from it. Old thermal grease is the third most common cause of overheating in a video card. The purpose of this grease is to provide instant heat transfer between the cooling radiator and the video adapter core. Naturally, the lower the quality of the thermal paste, the slower the heat transfer takes place. The core simply does not have time to give off the required amount of heat and overheats. Sometimes the video card overheats due to an incorrectly executed overclocking process of this hardware. A significant increase in the performance of the video card cannot but affect the core temperature. Remember that installing the system unit near heating devices can lead to an increase in the temperature of all devices by 10-15 degrees.