The ten-finger typing method can significantly increase the speed of typing on the keyboard, so it makes sense to master it. Of course, the "blind" typing method, when you do not need to look at the keyboard, will help you work even more efficiently, but even if you type with all 10 fingers while looking at the keyboard, you will type much faster.

Step 1
To begin with, try to teach your hands to take the correct position when typing: hold them above the keyboard, do not move them down to better see the letters and signs: you will have to remember their location, and there will be no need to peep. Once accustomed to the correct position, the fingers make much more economical movements, which allows for increased speed.
Step 2
Then it's a good idea to memorize the general arrangement of the letters on the keyboard. The most actively used is the middle row. Learn the letters on it by reading them as one word "fyvaprolje". Having memorized this "word", you will be able to mentally navigate exactly where this or that letter of the middle row is located. They do the same when memorizing the arrangement of letters on the lower and upper rows, memorizing the "words", respectively: "yachsmitbyu" and "ytsukengshshchzh".
Step 3
For all its seeming randomness, the letters on the keyboard are arranged quite logically: the fact is that the index fingers are the most "working" for a person, and in the central part of the keyboard there are letters that, with the ten-finger method, you will type with them. As you move towards the edges of the keyboard, the frequency of letters decreases.
Step 4
Now, knowing in which row and in what position relative to the center this or that letter is located, you can proceed to their direct "distribution" of keys with letters between your fingers. Divide the keyboard into 2 parts mentally. The letters located on the left side of the keyboard are typed with the left hand, and on the right, respectively, with the right.
Step 5
The index fingers print the largest number of letters. The letters "o", "p", "t", "b", "n", "g" are printed with the index finger of the right hand, and the letters "a", "p", "i", " m "," e "," k ". The middle finger of the right hand prints the letters "l", "b", "w", and the left - "c", "s", "y". Unnamed fingers are responsible for the letters "d", "u", "u" (right) and "s", "h", "c" (left). The letters "z", "x", "b", "e" are printed with the right little finger, as well as a period and a comma in the text, the left little finger prints the letters "y", "f", "i". Other characters placed on the keyboard are distributed accordingly between the fingers.

Step 6
When typing, try to get used to each finger pressing only "own" letters, thus, muscle memory will help to automate the movements faster during the typing process. Contributes to the improvement of finger movements when working on the keyboard and the use of special training programs, which can be found in sufficient quantities on the Internet. With the help of such programs, you can also master the "blind" printing method.