What Is Computer Upgrade

What Is Computer Upgrade
What Is Computer Upgrade

Any computer is a rather complex device consisting of many components. Thus, the modernization of a computer is the replacement of certain components with others that have different parameters from those used.

What is Computer Upgrade
What is Computer Upgrade

Stationary computers and laptops

One of the key buying characteristics of a computer is its maintainability and upgradeability. By this criterion, laptops and netbooks, for example, are seriously inferior to stationary machines. The very design of stationary machines provides for the possibility of configuration taking into account individual preferences and making changes to the technical parameters of the machine, i.e. modernization. There is an opinion that modernization is, by all means, the change of computer components to more powerful ones. However, it would be more correct to define modernization as the process of bringing the machine in line with the user's requirements. At the same time, it is clear that the power of the computer can remain unchanged. For example, you need a graphics station and your computer is a powerful gaming machine with a lot of noise. Or the approach to using a computer has changed - the child has moved to high school, and a more productive machine is required.

Modernization methods

There are several main methods of modernization. Moreover, they are designed in such a way that they can be used both together and separately, depending on the task at hand.

The most famous upgrade method is replacing the central processor. This is due to the common misconception that replacing the processor will improve the performance of the machine. In fact, this does not provide a special increase in power. That is, changing a single-core processor to a quad-core processor will not quadruple the performance. Therefore, the correct method of modernization, which includes replacing the processor, also involves changing the motherboard, RAM, video card.

The next most popular way is to increase the amount of RAM. The effect of this event becomes noticeable when replacing a really small amount of memory with a really large one. For example, there was 512 MB of RAM, 8 GB was made. If you change 4GB to 8GB, then you usually cannot notice the difference.

Replacing the video adapter in most cases is required when the computer resources are insufficient for the normal processing of games. A significant difference is observed when replacing the younger series of adapters with modern and more powerful ones. The modernization technique in this case also assumes the need to replace the power supply.

Finally, the hard drive is replaced to increase the size or performance of the disk subsystem. Hard drives have been improved from year to year, and today's models are much more productive than the old ones. This is especially true when using a solid state drive (SSD).

If you think that upgrading your computer is impractical, then there is an alternative - purchasing a new computer (laptop).
