Webcams have gained popularity among personal computer users for a long time. However, their use is often limited only to regular communication via Skype.

A webcam is a great additional device for your computer, which can not only expand the possibilities of communicating with other people, but also help in the implementation of any projects, in the creation of podcasts, and so on. You can use the webcam functionality at your discretion and based on the possibilities of your imagination.
In order to start communicating via a webcam, download a special program for making free online calls with video support, for example, Skype or Mail Agent. The first one can be downloaded from the following link: This is the most common program for communicating people over an Internet connection. To start a video conference, just register in the system and send a video call to the subscriber. The Mail Agent program works in a similar way, which you can download by clicking on this link:
Also one of the most popular uses for a webcam is to create podcasts. A podcast is an audio or video file previously recorded and then posted on the Internet. Most often, such video clips are of a news and analytical nature. You can download the program for creating a podcast by clicking on the following link:
Besides Camtasia Studio, you can also use any other program. Use it to record a video file, save it on your hard drive and edit it using special tools to customize the video recording parameters. After that, you can upload it to the Internet. Podcasts have also become popular with bloggers.
Remember that a webcam, despite its simplicity, is a multifunctional device that can always be used if desired.