If you urgently need money, you should not immediately borrow it from friends and acquaintances. Better pay attention to the things at home that you are not using. Often, after purchasing a new laptop, the old laptop becomes unnecessary, and selling it can be a great way to make money.

Step 1
Wipe your laptop with special cleaning wipes before selling. Test the laptop's performance to be able to show potential buyers its capabilities.
Step 2
Place a free ad for the sale of a laptop on several popular city sites and indicate its price, lowering it to an acceptable level. A buyer for a thing that costs less than a similar product will be found faster.
Step 3
If your ad was responded to, make an appointment with the buyer by phone or by e-mail. When you meet a person, show him your laptop and get the agreed amount of money.
Step 4
In the nearest metro station there is an underground passage where there are tents where used laptops, computers, mobile phones are put up for sale. Make an offer to the seller of this outlet to buy your laptop. If he agrees, hand over the laptop to the buyer and receive the money.
Step 5
If you are in a market that sells laptops and computers, find the person with the laptop buying poster. Go to the buyer and ask him about the amount he is willing to offer for your product. If the agreed price suits you, hand over the laptop to the new owner and take the money.
Step 6
Go online to the websites of stores specializing in the sale of computer equipment and see if these stores are engaged in buying old laptops. If such information is listed on the website, visit one of the collection points for used laptops.