Very often, in many anti-virus programs, the license key is stored as a separate file on the hard disk in the folder of the installed program. In this case, the license is saved by simply copying it. Everything looks a little more complicated in the anti-virus system of Kaspersky.
Step 1
If you have access to the Internet, open a browser and paste the address into the address bar. Following the instructions, you will receive a new key for using Kaspersky Anti-Virus based on the old one after reinstalling it. To do this, you will need to carefully enter the data in the appropriate fields.
Step 2
If a network connection is not available to you, use an alternative method for transferring program data through the registry of the Windows operating system. Before uninstalling Kaspersky Anti-Virus from your computer, open the Run item using the Start menu. You will see a small window with an empty line on your screen, type Regedit into it and press Enter.
Step 3
In the registry editor window that appears on the left side of it, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / SystemCertificates / SPC directory and save it to a separate folder on your computer or removable media as a Windows registry file.
Step 4
Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / KasperskyLab / LicStorage directory, repeat exactly the same steps as described in the previous paragraph. Pay attention to the format, both files must have a.reg value after the name.
Step 5
Reinstall the operating system on your computer, install the Kaspersky Anti-Virus distribution package that was installed last time, make all these changes to the new Windows registry. Also, this operation can be done in the event that you want to use the antivirus on another computer, in this case, use removable media. However, be careful, the desired condition is the same operating systems. Otherwise, the antivirus may simply not start.