How To Install Anti-cheat On The CS

How To Install Anti-cheat On The CS
How To Install Anti-cheat On The CS

Table of contents:


Every game server needs reliable anti-cheat protection. It must necessarily exist on private servers. No one needs scammers. They can damage the server's reputation and prevent fair players from playing. Anti-cheats make it possible to block corresponding programs.

How to install anti-cheat on the CS
How to install anti-cheat on the CS


  • - computer;
  • - server of the game Counter Strike.


Step 1

Follow this link to download and install the CS server anti-cheat program. Go to the folder on the Addons server, there create a folder named Sxei, then go into it and create the Dlls folder, then move the file called Sxei_Mm. Dll from the folder named Server to the created folder

Step 2

Go to the Addons / Metamod folder, right-click on the Plugins.ini file, select "Open with", select the "Notepad" program. Next, add the following line to the file that opens: sXe Injected, and on the next line write win32 addons / sxei / dlls /, then enter the file name sxei_mm.dll to install the anti-cheat on the CS server.

Step 3

Check the functionality of the anti-cheat, to do this, start the server, then call the console and enter the command meta list. If the screen displays the inscription AMX RUN - amx_mm.dll v2006, or the inscription sXe Injected RUN, followed by sxei_mm.dll v5., Then the installation of the anti-cheat program on the CS server was successful. Open the sxei.ini file with notepad to add the text of the message there after the player kicked from the server when using cheats.

Step 4

Configure the server, for this open server.cfg, enter the following settings there: in the Ip field, enter the address of the server to which clients connect from the Internet, you can also use domain names. In the sxei_internal_ip field, enter the address of the local server to which clients connect via the local network. This field is filled in as needed. The use of domain names is also available here.

Step 5

Then select the value of the sxei_required field 0 or 1. If the value is 0, the player will be shown a message, but he will remain on the server, and if the value 1 is selected, the player will be kicked out of the server. Next, fill in the sxei_srv_upg field, enter the value 0 if you do not want to automatically update the server, or 1 if necessary.
