The launch of a dedicated server for the Counter Strike Source game is carried out using the console. Valve took care of gamers by providing the ability to create their own server for Internet games with just a couple of clicks. Either way, it is better to run your own game project through the Source installation, rather than through the Steam interface, which requires more resources.

- - HLDSUpdateTool;
- - Counter Strike Source.
Step 1
Download Valve's HLDSUpdatetool, which will download the most current version of the server from the official update page. Place the downloaded file in a temporary directory on your server (for example, on "C: / hlds").
Step 2
Run hldsupdatetool.exe and follow the instructions of the installer. After the installation is complete, go to the created hldsupdatetool folder and run the executable file to update the program.
Step 3
Next, you need to download the game server files. The duration of the process can be up to several hours, it all depends on the speed of your Internet connection. Go to the Windows console ("Start" - "Run").
Step 4
In the pop-up window, enter the following command:
C: / your_HLDS_folder / hldsupdatetool.exe –command update –game “Counter Strike Source” -dir C: / server_folder
Replace "server_folder" with the path to the directory where you want to install your dedicated server. The "-game" parameter corresponds to the type of game.
Step 5
After executing the specified command, the download of the Source game server will begin. Wait for the download to finish and go to the server directory, to the "cstrike / cfg" folder. Open server.cfg with Notepad and make all the necessary settings, then save the file.
Step 6
Go to Start - Run and type:
C: / server_folder / srcds.exe –console –game cstrike + map de_dust –maxplayers 16 –autoupdate
Step 7
The "+ map" command is responsible for starting the server from a specific map. The "maxplayers" attribute is responsible for the maximum number of players on the launched map. If you want to launch the window for visual setting of parameters, then simply run the srcds.exe file in the corresponding directory. The server is running.
Step 8
To start the server using a.bat file, just create a file with the appropriate resolution and enter the parameters by opening the file using Notepad:
@echo off
echo This script protects you from crashes
echo Close this window if you want to determinate scard type Y and press Enter
title Watchdog
: srcds
echo (% time%)
start / wait srcds.exe –console –game cstrike + map de_dust2 + maxplayers 18
echo (% time) crashed or closed
goto srcds
If the srcds file crashes, this script will automatically restart the server with the specified parameters.