Significant acceleration of the operating system can be achieved by changing the parameters of the paging file. This file is a standard OS tool for ensuring the stable operation of several simultaneously running applications that do not have enough RAM.

Step 1
Set the paging file size to a fixed size to reduce disk fragmentation and ensure free reallocation of disk space. To do this, open the "Control Panel" and go to the "System" section. Open the “Performance” tab and set the same value for the “Minimum” and “Maximum” parameters in the virtual memory settings.
Step 2
A figure 2-4 times larger than the size of the RAM will be quite sufficient. For example, if you have 1024 MB of RAM, enter 2048–4096 MB for the paging file size. In the same dialog box, you can select the drive on which the paging file will be located.
Step 3
If you have two operating systems installed on your computer, such as Win 9x and Win NT, you can only assign one swap file to them to save local disk space. Find the System.ini file in the Windows 9x directory and add the parameter PagingFile = paging file name to its section. For example, PagingFile = D: / Pagefile.sys if the Windows NT file is on drive D and is named Pagefile.sys. After that, the old swap file Win386.swp should be deleted.
Step 4
The PagingDrive parameter is responsible for creating a disk for the paging file, and it is its size that changes when you change the values for the Minimum and Maximum parameters from the Control Panel. However, PagingFile takes precedence over it, and having PagingFile installed obviates the need to use PagingDrive.
Step 5
In addition, you can act differently - "force" the OS, if it is Windows 2000 or XP, to access the paging file of another, earlier version of the system. To do this, you need to change the PagingFiles key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management registry key.
Step 6
This key contains the values for the size of the paging files on different logical drives. For example, if your computer has Windows 98 on drive C and Windows 2000 or XP on drive D, change the file name D: / Pagefile. Sys to C: / Win386.swp.