Has your favorite computer stopped turning on? Determine the cause of the malfunction by testing the PC. Learn the basics of diagnosing when technical problems become intermittent. You yourself can find the damaged elements of the equipment.

- -motherboard;
- -multimeter;
- -accuracy.
Step 1
Before starting repairs, find out the reasons for the inoperability of the equipment. The failure can be software or hardware related. Use measuring instruments to determine the parameters of the equipment. Measure the voltage with a voltmeter, check the elements of the printed circuit boards with an oscilloscope, check the hard disk with programs.
Step 2
DC voltage used in computers has standard values. For PC nodes, the voltage is supplied by the power supply installed in the system unit. Measure the displayed reading. The obtained values should not deviate from the standard by more than 5%. Unplug your computer from power. Unscrew the screws and remove the cover of the system unit. Measure the voltage on the motherboard. To do this, take a tester, put the switch on constant voltage. The constant voltage icon will look like this: V; or so: DCV. Turn the knob 20 as the voltage on the computer is low.
Step 3
Next, connect two multi-colored probes to the tester. The black probe is called common, negative or ground, connect it to the COM connector. Connect the red probe to the connector just above the first one. To measure the voltage of the motherboard, connect the black test lead to the black terminal on the connector branching from the power supply. Touch the red test lead on the motherboard. Knowing the voltage of the corresponding point, you can easily understand the cause of the breakdown. Examine the schematic that comes with your motherboard. You will find out what stresses should be at each point. Voltage can be measured without removing the motherboard from the case. To do this, use a crocodile that clings to the body itself. Make sure that there is no paint in this area, because it will serve as an insulator.