Frost is a program that protects the game from launching bot programs, illegal patches and various types of radars. Of course, the developers have the best intentions, but many have learned to bypass this protection and have taken the lead. Accordingly, ordinary players also have to resort to such techniques in order to catch up and overtake cheaters. At the moment, there are several ways to get around frost.

Step 1
The first method is designed specifically for those who need to use a bot program. With it, the player gets many opportunities: pumping without the participation of the player, automatic trading, fishing, etc. The method is extremely simple - download a bot program with a built-in system for disabling frost. Next, you only need to run it after loading the game window, but before entering the login and password, and you can use it. The disadvantage is that all such programs are paid, as they require significant efforts from the developers. On the other hand, their cost is low: no more than 400 rubles per month.
Step 2
The second method was created for those who just need to disable frost. To do this, you need to load the game window, then run the program and through it select the option "disable frost" or "remove frost". After that, you can launch your own version of the bot, activate patches and radars. About half of these programs are free of charge, the other half are paid. There are almost no differences between them, since the principle of operation is the same, and in the case of a frost update, they all stop working until the program is redone. The production time for a new version of anti-frost is about a week.
Step 3
By analogy with a bot program with an integrated frost bypass module, there are radar programs with the same function. The principle of operation is similar, but the radar can be activated and removed during the game, and not just at startup. Such kits are also paid, the cost of a radar is usually half the cost of a bot. In total, about 200 rubles per month.
Step 4
When developers do not update frost for a long time, so-called antifrosts appear. They are a folder with program files similar to frost, but not performing protective functions. Accordingly, before starting the game, you need to replace the real frost folder with antifrost and you can safely play. Basically, such programs are freely available, paid distribution is very rare and does not carry any advantages and guarantees - when the frost is updated, they stop working in the same way as free ones, and no one will promptly provide a new version. This method should be recognized as the most unreliable.