How To Close A Photo In Odnoklassniki

How To Close A Photo In Odnoklassniki
How To Close A Photo In Odnoklassniki

Social networks are created to communicate with friends and family on the Internet. Here you can not only correspond, but also post your photos, share news, make interesting notes. Having a profile on Odnoklassniki makes you public, because other users, along with friends, may know what is happening in your life. If you do not want outsiders to gossip behind your back, but do not intend to delete your page from the social network, you should definitely find out how to close a photo in Odnoklassniki from unwanted views.

How to close a photo in Odnoklassniki
How to close a photo in Odnoklassniki

To close photos in Odnoklassniki, you can use several options. Read the instructions and choose the most suitable one.

How to hide photos in Odnoklassniki: method one

To carry out our plans, first of all go to the Odnoklassniki website and log into your account. To do this, you will need a username and password from your page.

Find the "Photos" tab in the main profile menu and go to the section.

Select the album, the photos in which you want to hide from prying eyes, and go to it.

Next to the name of the photo album, you will see the settings menu. When you click on it, you can see the privacy options. Select the lists of those people who will be able to view the album and click on the "Save" button. For example, it can only be your friends.

How to make a photo in Odnoklassniki closed: method two

To close a photo in Odnoklassniki, of course, you need to log in to the site, as in the previous case.

Next, go to the list of all the photo albums you have uploaded and, without entering any of them, hover the cursor over the main photo of the album, the photos in which you want to close.

In the pop-up menu, click the Change Settings button. Select the sections you want and save your changes.

When creating a new album, you can make these settings in advance.

How to close a photo in Odnoklassniki from strangers: method three

If you do not want people who are not on your friends list to see the images uploaded to the page, you can completely close your profile.

This service is paid, so to restrict access to your page, you need to top up your account.

To use a closed profile, you need to go to the main page of your profile and click on the "More" button under your avatar. In the menu that opens, select the "Close profile" command and pay for the service from your mobile phone, following the instructions.

Thanks to the inclusion of a private profile, you can close photos in Odnoklassniki not only in albums, but also on your avatar. A person who is not your friend will only be able to see a miniature copy of the main photo.
