How To Change Collation

How To Change Collation
How To Change Collation

Table of contents:


Collation, or character data collation schemes, is used when processing and storing information on the MS SQL server. Collation includes both character patterns and collation and collation rules. Changing the mapping schemes may be required when creating a new database or when you receive error messages.

How to change collation
How to change collation


Step 1

Please back up all production databases as the system databases will be automatically restored after the collation change is complete.

Step 2

Navigate to C: / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server / 80 / Tools / Bin and run the rebuildm.exe utility to change the server mapping schemes without reinstalling (for Microsoft SQL Server 2000).

Step 3

Specify the path to the location where the original system database files are saved (by default, the / x86 / Data / folder on the Microsoft SQL Server boot disk) (for Microsoft SQL Server 2000).

Step 4

Change the mapping schemes by running the setup.exe command from the Microsoft SQL Server boot disk with the key:

setup.exe / qn InctanceName = MSSQLServer Reinstall = SQL_Engine Rebuilddatabase = 1 SAPWD = new_SA password SQLCollation = new_schema_assignment (for Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

Step 5

Note that the / qn switch component will disable the display of the installer interface and save error data in the log entries (for Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

Step 6

Restore all production databases as changing the mapping schemes causes the system databases to be put into the initialization state (for Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

Step 7

Use the following SQL query to change the default collation - Cyrillic_General_CI_AS:

ALTER DATABASE database_name_to_modify COLLATE required_encoding_name.

Step 8

Please note that performing the above operation may require changing the properties of the selected database to exclusive use. In this case, the request will be modified to:

ALTER DATABASE db_name to_modify Set Single_User with Rollback Immediate

ALTER DATABASE database_name_to_modify COLLATE required_encoding_name

ALTER DATABASE database_name_to_modify Set Multi_User.
