Hacking the security system of sites has become a common phenomenon lately. LinkedIn, Yahoo and Last.fm, eHarmony are a far from complete list of hacked portals. In this regard, a large amount of information is leaked, confidential data becomes available to unauthorized persons. If you want to know if your account information has leaked online, use one of the listed tools.

Step 1
Why is password leakage dangerous?
Many users use the same username and password to log into their email and the sites they visit. Hackers can use this username and password to log into your email account. For example, more recently 11,000 accounts were hacked to enter the popular multiplayer game Guild Wars 2. The attackers did not use keyloggers or any other illegal methods, they simply entered the system using the email address and password found in the lists password leaks. This is possible with other services that hackers seek to access.

Step 2
If you're wondering if your email address appears on any of the password leak lists, you can download them manually to check. However, this process will take a very long time.
Step 3
Or you can use a tool that will quickly check the availability of data from your online account. So, the PwnedList.com web service searches for personal data of users in all kinds of archives that are posted on the Internet by hackers. To search for such information, a user without any logins and passwords must enter the appropriate request. Searches are carried out solely by name as well as by email addresses. If your email account appears on any of the leaked addresses and passwords, you will be notified. If you use the same password everywhere, and your email address appears in one (or more) of the lists, then you need to change your password immediately.