The noise coming from the system unit can signal a variety of problems. But even if it is known for certain that it comes from one of the fans, you should not relax, because high-quality uninterrupted cooling is the key to a long computer's service life.

Most people, trying to keep up with progress, constantly update their PCs and strive to replace them with new, more advanced ones. Nevertheless, it is possible that the fan is noisy due to the fact that this is an old model, which seems loud against the background of modern, almost silent ones. If the sound appeared recently or unexpectedly, there are several options for malfunctions that can cause it.
Power supply cooler
The cooling system of the power supply can make noise. If the room is dusty or the entire system has been working for several years without replacing the elements, pollution gets even there, bypassing all protective lines. This part usually makes the most noise, since the cooler has a large diameter and a very high rotation speed. For cleaning and purging, the power supply will have to be disassembled.
Some models are easy to disassemble, the main thing is to remember where which bolt was unscrewed from. Then, after cleaning and lubricating the necessary parts, reassemble the unit and reinstall it. Options that do not involve simple disassembly will have to be changed. In any case, experts advise installing a new power supply every two to three years, regardless of the presence of noise and failures.
Cooling the graphics card
Problems often arise with the video card cooler due to the fact that in most cases it is installed upside down to achieve maximum efficiency. At large long-term loads, it can gradually move, starting to touch static surfaces with the blades. If this happens, even a fan of such a small diameter can be very noisy.
The easiest way to solve the problem is to buy a new video card. But if desired, the old noisy version can be separated from the motherboard, check the fan axis and lubricate it. If the axis has shifted, you will have to file the edges of the video card box a little so that the blades stop touching them.
CPU cooler
The processor cooler also makes noise quite often. It gets the most dust and is the least protected. The main layer accumulates between the fan and the radiator, where air is forced for subsequent cooling. To clean the system, the fan is disconnected and both elements are cleaned separately, lubricated if necessary.
It is highly undesirable to use a vacuum cleaner when cleaning coolers. This is convenient, but sliding dust particles create static electricity that can damage the system.