The Windows operating system registry is a huge database where system settings, information about the configuration of a computer are stored. It records any changes in the composition and structure of your computer's software. But it happens that any program (especially for games), due to incorrect installation in the operating system or for other reasons, remains not entered in the registry, and the user is forced to do it manually.

Windows computer
Step 1
Before you change anything in the registry, back it up. To do this, left-click the "Start" button and in the menu that opens, start the "Run" window. You can also open the window by pressing the win + R keys. Then enter the "regedit" command in the line. The Registry Editor will open. In the expanding menu item "File" select the command "Export". In the dialog box that opens, select the folder where the file will be saved, enter its name (it can be anything) and put the switch to the "Entire registry" position. Click "Save".
Step 2
Navigating through the registry branches is similar to navigating to a folder in the "Explorer" and is carried out by clicking on the plus signs located at the name. Find in the left window the folder icon with the name "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", click on the plus sign next to the name. In the expanded list of subsections, find the SOFTWARE folder icon and, in turn, click on the plus sign or double-click on the icon itself.
Step 3
In the expanded list, find the name of the program you are interested in and select it with a mouse click. Check again in the status bar (the very bottom of the window) to see if you are in the correct branch of the registry. There should be a line like this: "My computer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Your_program_name".
Step 4
Go to the right window and right-click on the empty space. Go to the menu item "Create", and then select "String parameter". Name the new key "InstallDir" and press Enter.
Step 5
Double-click the left mouse button on the icon of the newly created parameter and in the window that opens, enter the path to the folder with your program. Click OK on the dialog box, then close the Registry Editor window. The program will be registered in the registry.