The dark brotherhood in the computer game Skyrim is a deeply conspiratorial organization of assassins. She is very popular with players, giving your character interesting tasks and organizing plot twists. In addition, joining the Dark Brotherhood gives the player access to previously unavailable and unique equipment.

Step 1
To get into the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, immediately after the start of the game, start asking people about various rumors until you are informed about the existence of the Dark Brotherhood. After that, go to the game location Riften, where you will find an orphanage. Go there and talk to its inhabitants. After the conversation, go to the Windhelm location.
Step 2
Upon reaching Windhelm, enter the city gates and listen to the conversation of two passers-by. When they say that a certain man named Aventus Aretino is about to perform the ritual of summoning the Dark Brotherhood, go in search of this character's home. In the northern part of the city, find the house of Aventus Aretino and break open the door.
Step 3
Enter the house and talk to Aventus. Agree to complete the task he is offered. To do this, go to the Riften location again and visit the orphanage again. Find the female character of the game named Grelod the Kind there, wait until she locks herself in her room, break open the door and kill her. After that, return to the Windhelm location to Aventus and report on the completion of the task.
Step 4
Now go travel and complete other tasks. After a few days, you will be found by the character of the game, who will give you a note. After that, find a bed and go to bed. After waking up, you will find yourself in a completely different place, where a member of the Dark Brotherhood will enter into conversation with you and offer to kill one of the three related characters. Kill anyone and talk to a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Accept the offer to join this organization.
Step 5
Immediately after receiving your consent, you will be told the password and given the coordinates of the meeting. Go to the Falkreath location and look for a door in the rocks near the city. When asked from behind the door, give the password and go inside. There, meet the characters in this organization. Find the character Nazir in the hall or dining room, talk to him and get the task. From that moment on, you got into the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim.