Modern operating systems have a graphical interface that makes it unnecessary to know any computer control commands. However, most operating systems have the ability to manually enter executable commands. In Windows, this is done through a system application that mimics the command line interface.

Windows OS
Step 1
Using the "Start" button or the Win key, open the main menu of the operating system and look for the "Run" command in it. If your computer is running Windows XP or Vista, you will see it in the right column, but in Windows 7 with default settings, it will not appear in this menu. But in the "seven" you can use the search engine. Enter "execute" in the search box and the "Run" link will appear at the very top of the search results. In any of the versions, the selection of this line will lead to the appearance on the screen of the program launch dialog.
Step 2
Enter cmd, click the OK button. A black Command Line Terminal Simulator window will open in the monitor. You just need to type the command you want and press the Enter key for the application to start executing it.
Step 3
When entering a command, keep in mind: if it involves any manipulation of files stored on the computer, you must specify the full path to them. This means that you need to enter the drive letter, the entire directory hierarchy in the path from the root directory, and the full name of the file. For example, to delete a file named test.
Step 4
If you intend to execute the command frequently enough, you do not need to enter it manually each time. Write everything you need to a file and double-click it in the file manager, or place it on your desktop, and then you can even do without the "Explorer". To prepare such a file, open any text editor and write the required command on the first line.
Step 5
If there are multiple commands, put one on each line. Then save the document with the bat extension - it is it in the system registry that is assigned to files with sets of dos commands.