Spreadsheets are the simplest example of a typical database. Before computers were created, people stored information in tables, where each numbered record was associated with a specific set of data.

Step 1
With the advent of computers, tables were transferred to computer memory, which made it possible to create links between them and thus form entire databases. Select the program in which you want to create spreadsheets. The most common program for this kind of work is Excel from Microsoft or its sibling Calc from the OpenOffice family. These programs are similar to each other, but have the main difference - a paid product from Microsoft. You can find it on the Internet or buy special software discs.
Step 2
Consider the dataset to be stored in the spreadsheets. Modern programs allow you to store not only symbols, but also links to pages on the Internet, photographs and other objects. Group your data into categories. For example, the names of friends and their addresses should be grouped into the Address Book table, but the names of films in your personal collection should be grouped into the Home Theater table. There is no point or practical use in storing disparate data mixed up in a single spreadsheet.
Step 3
Fill in the tables, paying attention to the logic of their construction and the formats of the input data. Naturally, it is more convenient when the table contains its own record numbering, and also has the record date and the simplest formatting elements. If you plan to create a database from tables, then create them in Microsoft's Access program. This database editor will help you create a simple diagram of links, as well as forms for entering data entered into tables. It is also worth noting that it is better to save copies of databases to information carriers, so that later, in case of unforeseen situations, everything can be restored without problems on a personal computer.