Literally 10 - 15 years ago, the Internet was a luxury that few people could afford. A couple - three songs, a short film, a cartoon, or a short walk on social networks - that's all that an ordinary user could afford. Currently, high-speed Internet is not a luxury, but an opportunity for full-fledged communication, work, online shopping, and so on. But at times it happens that with a broadband connection and unlimited traffic, the speed decreases, why is this happening?

Before calling a provider and expressing anger about him, you need to try to find the reason in the computer or paired devices.
If the tabs are slower to refresh, and the transition between browsers takes a couple of minutes instead of a few seconds, then the problem may be in the software. Most ordinary people believe that all work on the Internet is connected with the browser, that is, the program with which you browse sites. But few people know that there are programs that run in the background and take over some of the traffic, it can be Skype, ICQ or QIP and other instant messengers.
If there are no other applications open, and the speed drops in a particular browser, then it makes sense to update it to a newer version or give preference to another browser. If you don't want to install a new one, then you can delve into the settings of the existing one. To do this, go to the settings, find the "additional" item and see if there is a checkmark opposite the item "Internet access through a proxy server", it should not be on a stationary computer. And there is a checkmark there, then this may be the reason for the decrease in the speed of the Internet. Plugins can be the reason for slow browser performance. Naturally, you should disable them, and then check the speed of the browser.
Sometimes in the operating system settings, auto-update is written by default, then windows starts updating on its own and the connection speed, of course, drops. For most operating systems, auto-update can be disabled manually. In addition to updating operating systems, browsers and some programs can also be updated. You can also disable these features yourself.
If an anti-virus program is not installed on the PC, then it is quite possible that the computer was attacked by malicious viruses that occupied the hard disk and downloaded a large amount of various information. In order to make sure that there are no or presence of viruses, you need to run a scan using an anti-virus program. In severe cases, a complete reinstallation of Windows is required.
It so happens that a high-speed Internet is connected to one computer, with a data transfer rate of up to 100 m / bit per second, but when a router is connected, the speed immediately drops. It is necessary to find the characteristics of a wi-fi router and see what is the maximum output speed, it is quite possible that it gives out only 50 M / bit instead of the prescribed 100. There are also mechanical damage to cables that are not visible to the eye, due to which the speed is reduced, or even completely the Internet is lost. In most such cases, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
It so happens that the connection speed drops only in bad weather, for example, in heavy rain or heavy snow, in this case, the provider is most likely to blame or malfunctions in its equipment. By the way, some providers have traffic restrictions after downloading a certain amount of information. The way out in this situation will be to change the tariff, and, possibly, the provider itself.
When using a wi-fi router in laptops or tablets, the speed may be limited due to external interference, for example, radio waves from a receiver or microwave. In this case, the only correct solution would be to switch to a wired connection.
Even with a high speed and good connection, information from the torrent is downloaded very slowly. Why is this happening? When the download occurs from the server, the speed is usually high, but downloading from a torrent site is a little different, here the files are downloaded from the PCs of other users and, of course, the download speed depends on the speed of distribution of a certain resource. The more people distribute this or that movie or program, the higher your download speed will be. Movies, programs or games that are large in size are best left for downloading at night.