Have you ever faced "crashes" of computer games? This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. To successfully combat it, you need to understand what the roots of the problem may be.

Departures at boot
There are two types of game crashes - during loading and during gameplay. The first type of problem usually manifests itself when trying to start a game. Sometimes the main menu is loaded, but after pressing the "Play" button, it "crashes" to the desktop.
There is a high chance that your computer does not meet the required system requirements. Most often, the problem lies in the video card. Modern games are constantly improving, and if your video card was bought several years ago, it could lag behind progress.
For example, a game might use DirectX 11 libraries, and your graphics card only supports version 10. In such a situation, only replacing the video card with a new one will help.
Another possible reason is that the operating system does not meet the requirements of the game. For example, you have a 32-bit version of Windows 7, and the game can only work on a 64-bit system. The problem can be solved by installing the correct OS version.
Some games are demanding on video card drivers and refuse to work if they are out of date. In this case, updating your drivers to the latest stable version can help you. You can usually find it on the video card manufacturer's website.
It is worth checking the relevance of the software that is necessary for the games to work properly. These are DirectX and Microsoft. NET Framework. Most games offer to install them during the installation of the game itself. Try reinstalling the game and choose to install additional software in the bootloader.
Departures from the game
Why can the game crash during gameplay? Modern games are demanding on computer resources. Often they load the video card and processor to the maximum, which leads to strong heat generation and can cause overheating. Sometimes this leads to the "crash" of the game.
To solve this problem, it is worth checking the cooling system. It can become clogged with dust, which reduces the efficiency of heat dissipation. The situation can be corrected by cleaning. If the cooler does not cope with its task even after cleaning, it can be replaced with a more efficient one.
Another reason for crashes can be "overclocking" of the processor or memory. Some gamers take this step in hopes of boosting the performance of their PC. But at higher frequencies, the equipment can be unstable. Try returning the components to factory settings.
Some games may run out of RAM. When the memory is full, the game may crash. The problem is solved by installing additional modules.
In addition to RAM, games use a paging file to work with resources. It resides on your hard drive. If there is no free space left on your HDD, the game will have nowhere to write temporary files, and it will simply crash. Therefore, always make sure that the hard disk is not occupied by 10% of the volume.
It often happens that a game crashes due to the fault of its developers. An unstable version of the game may be released to the market. In such a situation, only a patch released by the creators themselves will help. The release of such a fix is usually reported by the official website of the game publisher.