When buying a DVD with a game, you need to be prepared for the fact that there may be problems with its reading by the computer drive. In each specific case, you will have to figure out why this happened.

Physical damage to the DVD
Often, even a new disc can be damaged. Sometimes they are visible (cracks, scratches, greasy spots and even chips), sometimes they are not. In order to check the integrity of the game disc, you must try to run it on multiple DVD drives. If the disk is not visible to the computer anywhere, then the problem is in this data carrier. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the consumer can return the purchased defective disc to the seller.
DVD drive malfunction
Sometimes the DVD cannot be seen by the computer because the DVD drive is damaged or dirty. If the drive is dirty, it means that the so-called reading head, which has a crystalline structure, is dirty. It is quite easy to clean it with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. In no case should you use water. If possible, it is advisable to buy a special disc for cleaning all types of drives. At the bottom of such a disc there is a special area with a brush, which removes dust from the reading head during operation.
Damage to a DVD drive can be manifested in noisy operation, lack of signs of disc reading, or an error in determining the drive by the computer. If you have enough skills, you can disassemble the system unit, check the connection of loops and wires from the drive to the motherboard and power supply. Sometimes the drive does not always have enough power from the power supply.
If all else fails, then you will have to carry either the DVD drive (if it was purchased separately from the computer), or the computer itself to the service center, where the device will be examined. It can last up to two weeks. If the case is under warranty, the drive will be repaired or replaced free of charge. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a new drive yourself, or repair it. At the same time, the cost of repairing a drive is more expensive than buying a new one.
Disc burning errors
Sometimes the DVD with the game may have been burned with errors by the manufacturer itself. In this case, the disc will either not be read at all and will not be seen by the computer, the game will not be installed, or the game will start with errors. To make sure that it was written to disk with errors, you must try to repeat the installation on several computers. If the disc is still not visible or reads with errors, then you will have to carry it to the seller, who will be obliged to replace it.