Almost everyone uses a computer in their daily life. It is needed for work, for recreation, for entertainment. The computer allows you to stay always up to date with the latest developments, so most people cannot imagine life without this miracle of technology. However, very often several people use one computer. How to share a computer between them?

Computer, users
Step 1
Using the same computer by two people can cause a lot of inconvenience, because everyone has their own files and documents that are personal in nature. There are several ways to split a computer. The easiest option, which does not require a thorough knowledge of the computer device, is to create several folders. Each folder will contain materials for each user. It is best to create as many folders as there are users who will be using the computer. It is worth considering the navigation scheme inside such folders. If the computer is working, then it is best to make the same structure inside these folders.
Step 2
The previous option is the simplest one, but it has some drawbacks. For example, people with different physical abilities can work at the computer, which require individual adjustment of the computer. Therefore, when working with the same settings, users will experience discomfort. To solve this problem, you can create multiple accounts. Each user can assign his own password, which will only be known to him alone. Also, by checking the box "make the contents of folders private", you can restrict access to your files. Consider the fact that you can assign one account as an administrator or give the right to administer a computer to each user. If the administration functions will be available only for one account, then from this account you can restrict a large number of operations, for example, the ability to install or remove programs.
Step 3
If the computer is used by you and your child, then you can create a second account for your child, having previously password-protected your own so that the child does not have access to it. Excessive communication with the computer is very harmful for the child's body, therefore, you should limit the time spent in front of the monitor. The parental control function, which is available on almost every modern computer, will help you with this. With its help, you can designate a period of time in which the computer will function. You can also restrict access to sites that are undesirable for your child to visit. You will be able to keep track of which sites your child visits.
Step 4
There is another way to split your computer. It is more suitable for content sharing if you have one hard drive. You can split the disk space into several disks, one of which will have an operating system installed. It will be the main one. You can partition into as many disks as you like, depending on the size of your hard disk. You can install programs on the main disk, and store files on others, having previously divided them into folders by type.