The uninstall list is a list of the application software installed on the operating system, which can be found in the Windows component for adding or removing programs. This list is compiled on the basis of data in the system registry. The uninstaller of the program to be uninstalled is obliged to remove entries about the program from it, but sometimes this does not happen due to failures in the uninstallation process or defects in the uninstaller itself. As a result, the already deleted program remains on the list.

Step 1
Make the necessary changes to the system registry yourself. This can be done using the registry editor from the operating system. To launch it, right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut on the desktop and select "Registry Editor" from the menu. If this shortcut is not on your desktop, then press the key combination WIN + R, type the command regedit and click the "OK" button.
Step 2
Create a registry backup - you may need it if something goes wrong and you have to restore the registry. Open the "File" section in the editor's menu and select the "Export" line. In the file save dialog, specify the storage location, file name and click the "Save" button.
Step 3
Go to the Uninstall section by sequentially expanding the following folders in the left pane of the editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => Microsoft => Windows => CurrentVersion => Uninstall
Step 4
Run the Add / Remove Programs component - you will have to check the spelling of the program name in the Uninstall Wizard and in the registry. By right-clicking on the "My Computer" shortcut, select "Add or Remove Programs" from the menu and wait for the program to compile a list.
Step 5
Find the name of the problematic program, switch to the registry editor and look for a similar name among the keys in the Uninstall branch. The name in the left pane does not have to be exactly the same as the name in the uninstall wizard, but it should be fairly similar. When you find it, open it and select the parameter named DispiayName - it is from it that the Windows uninstaller reads the name to be displayed in the list. The value of this parameter in the right pane must exactly match the name in the list.
Step 6
Delete the key found in the system registry. To do this, right-click it and select the "Delete" line from the context menu.
Step 7
Close Registry Editor, and then close and run the Uninstall Wizard again. This is necessary so that the uninstaller reads the information in the registry again and compiles a list in which there should now be no removed program.