If you are an active Internet user, then sooner or later you will be faced with the question of registering on some network resource, be it an information service, a social network, a forum or a file exchanger. A prerequisite for creating an account is to write a login. In order to find an original and at the same time convenient login, it is important to follow several recommendations.

Step 1
Your login must be unique to highlight your personality and importance. At the same time, it should be sonorous and well remembered. Do not create standard logins like "kisa333" or "irina88" - there are enough users with such logins.
Step 2
You can choose a login by simply combining your first and last name. For example, at the beginning or at the end of a surname, you can write the first letter of the name. Login "kshepeleva" or "volkov-v" will be original and easy to remember.
Step 3
If you want to add numbers to your login, it is better to use your date of birth or your phone number. For example, "stanislav1984" or "irishka-8826". Also suitable are the birthdays of relatives and friends, memorable dates and anniversaries, or dates with which you have something to do.
Step 4
To make the login look more formal, you can capitalize it, as you usually write your first and last name. Although such logins have a serious drawback: not all sites on the Internet recognize uppercase fonts, so an error may occur when entering a login starting with a capital letter. If you are having trouble logging into the site, try writing a login using only lowercase letters.
Step 5
You can create a login by simply copying your email address. In this case, you will not have to memorize unnecessary information, although such a login is unlikely to be considered original.