Since the advent of cell phones, we have been communicating by SMS, but at the same time we are also trying to save the budget by cutting words, cutting phrases. We lose the most important thing - the opportunity to express our emotional sincerity. Do you write letters to your husband? Not electronic, but even better - by hand, in his native handwriting?

pen, piece of paper, your sincere feelings and thoughts
Step 1
Take a piece of paper and write. After all, in a letter you can express what sometimes we do not dare to say in words. In letters, as in a personal conversation, it is correct to address by name. In a letter to your loved one, address it gently or playfully.
Step 2
Never complain in a letter. Although they say that the paper will endure everything, in fact, a bad mood is transmitted to the person reading this letter (husband). Write only positive letters! And even more so when it comes to a love letter.
Step 3
In correspondence, much more difficulties can arise than in personal communication. For example, you say something wrong in a conversation, and by the reaction of your husband you will immediately understand that you have said too much. You can quickly translate everything into a joke and hush up an unpleasant topic.
And what is written in the letter is written. Be more attentive to what you write about.
Step 4
Try to write less about yourself, and ask the man more. Don't write, for example, a whole treatise about your new hobby of cutting and sewing.
Step 5
As in "live" communication, you should always be yourself in correspondence. Write to him about your feelings. Even if you have been married for several years and the candy-bouquet period has long passed, your relationship needs to be constantly warmed up with warm words, a gentle look, unexpectedly pleasant surprises. What surprise to present to him this time so that it is not so commonplace?
Step 6
Write him a love letter!
You can also write a love letter, for example, when you are apart, or just for no reason and send it as a surprise. A man will be delighted to receive such an unusual message. In letters of romantic content, handwritten on paper, the whole soul is naked. This is both a great way to remind your husband on a business trip so that he does not forget you and does not glance to the left, and a way to make peace if you parted.
Step 7
Email your husband as well. If you're at work, loving correspondence warms up both of you. Put your soul into them.