Educational work programs are a mandatory element of planning the educational process. They are based on the school curriculum and take into account the technical, methodological and informational support of the educational process, the level of training of students. The structure and content of the work program is the same for all forms of education and must meet the requirements of the State Educational Standard for this subject.

Step 1
Write the cover page of the work program. It should reflect the name of the educational institution and the name of the discipline for which this program was drawn up, the year of its development.
Step 2
An explanatory note is an important part of the program. In it, describe the specifics of the discipline and the importance of studying it in the general education system. Reflect what the study of this discipline gives students, what practical skills they will acquire as a result of classes. Tell us about interdisciplinary connections, for which other disciplines this discipline is the basis, how its study is related to the study of other subjects. In the explanatory note, reflect the features of the organization of the educational process in this discipline, justify the preferred form of organization of classes. List the normative documents that form the basis of the work program.
Step 3
Make a thematic plan for the subject. Indicate the sequence of studying the sections and the number of academic hours allotted for the study of each section with differentiation into theoretical and practical classes. Consider the hours that will need to be allocated to prepare for the exam.
Step 4
To write the main part of a work program containing a description of the educational process, use an approximate thematic plan. Begin this section by introducing and learning safety precautions in lessons on this subject. In the section, reflect not only the topics studied, but also the requirements that apply to the level of knowledge of students, the degree of their preparedness.
Step 5
Write how you should organize independent work in this discipline, types of extracurricular activities. Some of the didactic material can be recommended for independent study, so it must be highlighted in the text of the program and marked with asterisks.
Step 6
In the section where the requirements for educational and methodological support should be described, write a list of basic and additional methodological and educational literature, manuals required for classes, recommended training aids.
Step 7
At the end of the program, write information about yourself - surname, initials, length of service and place of work, indicate your qualification category, everything that you consider necessary to report.