The work program is one of the main documents that ensure the maintenance of a certain discipline. It allows you to plan the topics of lectures and practical lessons for the entire subject according to the curriculum of the specialty.

- - program form;
- - the curriculum of the specialty;
- - teaching load.
Step 1
Open the specialty curriculum to create a curriculum for the subject. From it you need to find out the number of hours in the discipline: general for the whole subject, separately for semesters for lectures and practical classes, independent work. It is also necessary to clarify the availability of an exam or credit.
Step 2
From the teaching load, specify the number of hours for completing tests, consulting for the exam, for tests and exams. All this you will need to draw up a working program.
Step 3
Complete the table on the first page of the curriculum form. It is necessary to enter in the appropriate cells: subject number (write out from the curriculum), breakdown of hours by semester, as well as the total number of hours.
Step 4
Check that the sum of the hours allotted for lectures, practical exercises, control and independent work coincides with the total number of hours.
Step 5
Enter below the table the name of the educational standard according to which the program is drawn up. Next, enter the name of the department / commission at the meeting of which the program will be approved. Also add the approval stamp with the deputy director / vice-rector and approval by the director / rector.
Step 6
Make a lesson plan on the following pages of the program. Topics should be grouped into sections / modules. Add knowledge control after each section. It can be in the form of a test or a survey.
Step 7
Also add assignments to self-study between lectures. Place a sequential number next to each lesson (lecture / practical work). The total number of classes multiplied by 2 should correspond to the number of classroom hours (lectures + practices).
Step 8
At the end of the program, provide a list of practical activities, assignments for independent work and modular control. Also add a list of literature, guidelines, and standards for the subject to complete the curriculum.