Screenshot - What Is It And How To Make A Screen

Screenshot - What Is It And How To Make A Screen
Screenshot - What Is It And How To Make A Screen

Often, personal computer users need to take a photo of what is displayed on the screen, take a screenshot or screen.

Screenshot - what is it and how to make a screen
Screenshot - what is it and how to make a screen

What is a screenshot?

A screenshot is a screenshot. The word itself has foreign roots and appeared in our language from the English screenshot. It turns out that the screen is an image, a photograph taken from a computer screen. In this case, the image is made using the installed operating system without the use of additional devices with a camera. You can make a full screen, the entire screen, or select the desired area.

How do I take a screenshot of my computer screen?

Let's consider several ways. The easiest way is to use a special key on your keyboard. It is called Prt Sc or Print Screen for short. In this case, a photo of the entire monitor is obtained. If you use the key combination alt="Image" + Print Screen, then you get a screenshot of a part of the screen, the active window. After we have made a screenshot of the screen, it is saved to the clipboard, if no other path has been specified. To edit the screenshot taken, you can use any graphics editor, for example Paint.

The above method is not the only one for taking a screenshot of the computer screen. Another way to take a screenshot is to use special programs, which are huge. When using such programs, the user has the opportunity to edit the captured screen photos. For example, add some inscriptions, lines, arrows, make a selection of the zone you need.

The photo below shows a screenshot that was made using a special program. In the example, an arrow has been added with the inscription "How simple".


After the screenshot is taken, you can not only save the screenshot, but also print it or share it on social networks. It is also possible to save it in the cloud, send it by e-mail.

What screenshot programs are there?

There are many such programs, they all have similar functionality. Let's list a few of them Lightshot, Screenpic, Screen Capture. Enter the name of the program into the address bar of your browser and download it. You will easily find the most optimal program for yourself. Taking a screenshot of your computer screen is easy and even fun.
