Connoisseurs of online games, who have been playing for several years, have come across such a concept as high ping. Newcomers to this business do not pay attention to this parameter of the game, and sometimes do not even suspect about its existence. Attempts to reduce ping by newbies always lead to the same thing - the ping remains the same.

It is necessary
Half Open Limit Fix software
Step 1
PING (ping) is a time period during which one packet of information will pass to the server side and back. The higher this speed, the more latency you will experience while playing. A high ping can be compared to a slow computer. Counter Strike players are most concerned about ping. A ping delay of 100 units (about a second) can have a big impact on the game. In a second, you can kill and shoot several players in CS 1.6.
Step 2
Since playing CS 1.6 involves practicing military operations, there are different maps for completing missions. Each CS server has its own map. To reduce the ping rate, use servers that are closer to your city.
Step 3
If ping problems persist and become the rule rather than the exception, call your ISP's technical support. As a rule, the problem is solved within a short period of time if there is no emergency on the line.
Step 4
During the gameplay, you can try to disable all programs that can work with Internet traffic. Another reason for persistently high ping can be poor performance of your network card. Check it visually for blackened or damaged parts.
Step 5
Sometimes a high ping is caused by a small number of open ports. To increase the number of ports, use the Half Open Limit Fix utility. After starting the program, enter the value 100 in the "New limit" field, then click the "Make changes to tcpip.sys" button. After rebooting the system, the number of ports will be increased - you will notice a tangible difference.