When preparing presentations, demonstration materials, training video tutorials, sometimes it is required to submit a photo that captures the window of the desktop or the program in which the work is performed. If earlier you had to use a camera to create a picture, now everything is much simpler: there are special programs for this.

PicPick - a tool for shooting
You can still take a picture from the monitor screen using a camera, from which you will then have to transfer the image to a computer, and then use it in work. But today there is hardly a person who will bother himself with photography. To do this, there are a number of programs that can take a screenshot of the working window in a couple of clicks.
One of these is PicPick. This program is distributed free of charge, but its quality does not suffer from this. With PicPick, you can take a photo and capture the entire screen or only a part of it - selected or fixed, as well as an arbitrary area of the screen. In addition, the program allows you to edit the image and even make the necessary inscriptions on it. This property is necessary when you need to pay attention to a specific area of the screen.
To evaluate the program in action, install it on your computer and then launch the application. After that, in the window that opens, select the "Screen Capture" section and specify which area of the screen you want to take a screenshot from. Beforehand, you can open any graphic image or site. PicPick will take a picture from any picture on the screen.
On the left in the working window of the program there is a section "Graphic elements", which you can use if you need to edit an image or make notes and notes on it. After your snapshot is ready, click the "File" button on the toolbar and select "Save As" in the drop-down window. Next, on the right, another window will open in which you will need to specify the format of the saved file: JPEG, PNG,.
Screenshot software
PicPick isn't the only screen capture program. Among its "congeners" is Free Screen Video Recorder. This program, in addition to a static image, can also save a video document. You should also pay attention to the Screenshot Captor and SSmaker programs. The latter takes and shows the finished photo for three seconds. A snapshot taken with SSmaker can be immediately sent over the Internet to friends or installed on your site.
The SuperScreen program is also popular among users, it takes a screenshot from the monitor screen, has a built-in delay function and the ability to take a screen from a video. ScreenShot, a program with a convenient set of tools and functions, will also help you create a snapshot and video. Simple, but no less popular, the Invader program also solves the problem of taking screenshots from the screen. Its advantages include a convenient and intuitive interface and the ability to save a snapshot in any graphic format.