Users of Apple's Mac OS X Snow Leopard operating system experience system errors when changing the address of their network card. Because Since this operating system is still little studied in our country, sometimes such problems arise. Earlier versions of the Mac OS series used the ifconfig en0 ether command, but this version is an exception. It turns out that the solution to this problem lies on the surface.

It is necessary
Operating system Mac OS X Snow Leopard, network card
Step 1
The solution turned out to be simple: it was necessary to reload the "Network Card Driver". But there is one nuance here: you need to determine the kext index that your network adapter uses.
Step 2
Go to the terminal of the operating system, enter the value sudo –s, press Enter, then enter the password. Press Enter again.
Step 3
To change the Mac address, enter the following value ifconfig en0 ether. Then press Enter.
Step 4
Restart the "Network Card Driver". This operation can be done with only two commands:
- kextload /System/Library/Extensions/Attasic1Ethernet.kext - then press Enter;
- kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/Attasic1Ethernet.kext - then press Enter.
It is worth noting that the line after the Extensions / value will be different on each computer. Make sure the line you specified is correct before applying the changes.
Step 5
But the problem is that this operation, by changing the Mac address, lives only until the next reboot of the system. Therefore, you can use the following script:
Go to Applications> Utilities> Apple Script Editor.
Step 6
Paste the following value into the edit window: replace /System/Library/Extensions/Attasic1Ethernet.kext with the name of the network card driver and the path to it. It will look like this:
set LF to ASCII character 10
set sudoScr to sudo ifconfig en0 ether;
sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/Attasic1Ethernet.kext;
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/Attasic1Ethernet.kext;"
do shell script sudoScr password "Password" with administrator privileges.
Step 7
The script is ready - save it under the name networkscript on your hard disk - select "File format" - "Application".
Step 8
After adding this script to startup, you can safely enjoy the work done. To do this, go to the menu "System settings" - "Accounts". Select the "Login Object" tab - press "+" - add a script with the value "Hide". Mark the script with a tick - click the "lock" icon