How To Get Rid Of The Virus

How To Get Rid Of The Virus
How To Get Rid Of The Virus

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Man is a social being, and therefore almost every day he interacts in one way or another with people. Most use the Internet every day, some go with disks, flash drives and other media to visit each other. And to pick up a virus from these carriers, in principle, is not difficult. Despite the fact that many people use antivirus software, this does not always give a 100 percent guarantee. Cunning viruses in different ways and under different pretexts can still penetrate the system.

How to get rid of the virus
How to get rid of the virus

It is necessary

computer, internet, virus, antivirus


Step 1

Do not send SMS to a short number. Now in our information age, when progress has made great strides, it has become very popular to use SMS messages to get some kind of service. A virus was created that blocks partially or completely your Internet access and browser, and sometimes your system, or encrypts your files. And in order to save you from this misfortune, they ask to send an SMS to a short number. As a rule, more money is withdrawn from the account than is written, but the answer does not come.

Step 2

There is not much that needs to be done to get rid of the virus. If you are a good programmer, then perhaps you can manually find the virus yourself.

Step 3

But, if you are a simple everyday user and, in principle, do not burn with the desire to poke around in files manually, then it is recommended to install an antivirus and check your computer for viruses. Sometimes viruses do not allow you to install or run an antivirus, then in this case you can take a flash drive from a friend with an antivirus installed on it and check the computer from it or take your long-suffering hard drive to someone and check it. In addition, online antiviruses that scan your computer over the Internet are becoming increasingly popular. You can either download a specific file, and the service will check it, or provide a link to a suspicious site or file on the network, or you should scan the entire computer.
