Quite often, owners of laser and inkjet printers are faced with paper chewing. This can be due to both the printer itself and the wrong position of the paper.

Chewing is directly related to paper
To solve this problem, you first need to turn your attention to paper. The corner of the sheet itself may have been folded or the paper may have been misplaced. For the most part, this is what causes chewing. In addition, using low quality paper or paper that is too thick and heavy can cause these effects.
There is another scenario - if the owner of the printer forgot to remove the staple from the stapler or disconnect the paper clip and started printing. Such a foreign object can seriously damage the device itself, therefore, before inserting the paper into the printer, you need to make sure that there are no foreign objects on it that could interfere with the printout, and also check that the paper is installed correctly.
Quite often it happens that the owners of the printer insert too large a ream of paper. Due to this, the printer does not get a good grip on the sheet, and this is what can cause chewing.
The problem is in the printer
If no paper problems were found, then the problem is most likely with the printer itself. Most often, it happens that the paper feeding and pulling mechanism installed in the printer becomes loose. Therefore, the paper is jammed. There may also be a problem with dirt on the pick-up rollers. This can happen, for example, due to the use of low-quality paper, the fibers of which are left on the rollers, or from a piece of paper. To find out and solve this problem, the owner needs to open the printer cover and clean the rollers from the paper.
In addition, such problems may be directly related to the fact that some of the mechanical parts of the printer overheat. This can happen if the owner of the printer is printing large amounts of text. This problem can be solved quite easily and simply - you just need to print in small batches.
If the paper is already jammed in the printer or it has chewed it, then you do not need to pull it sharply towards yourself, since such actions can cause various damage to the mechanism. The paper needs to be pulled out of the printer carefully and slowly, and if it does not go, then you can apply a little more effort. There is no need to pull out the sheet of paper using foreign objects, as they can also damage the mechanism of this peripheral device.