Choosing a computer desk is not such an easy task as you might think, since a new piece of furniture should not only fit in design and size, but also not harm the health of the future owner.

Many of us spend a lot of time at the computer. Someone is working, someone is having fun or socializing, but long-term sitting at the computer is not very good for health, in particular for the spine. The wrong position of the hands, head, the need to bend over strongly, etc., will very quickly lead to chronic diseases.
Where to start choosing a table for a computer
Look at the diagram that shows the correct and incorrect body position of a person sitting in front of a computer. If the model of the computer table you like does not allow you to sit freely and correctly at it, you should not purchase it.
choose a desk and a chair for your computer at the same time. Before paying for a purchase, sit in a chair at the table and check that your hands are supported when working at the computer, that you will not have to lift your head to look at the screen, and that your feet are firmly on the floor.
Other important criteria when choosing a computer desk
1. Possibility to place at the table or in any other convenient way, office equipment connected to a computer.
2. The presence of additional shelves for documents, books (textbooks), especially if the apartment is cramped and it is impossible to place a special closet for them nearby.
3. Safety of the material from which the computer table is made.
4. Safety of the table structure, especially if the family has a small child. In this case, it is advisable to choose a model that meets all safety requirements for children's furniture.
remember that if you plan to place the system unit under a table or on a special shelf in the table, good ventilation must be provided for the unit. But if you want to sit at a brand new table with a laptop, then it is worth stopping at the models of tables with the maximum number of drawers at the bottom (that is, a regular desk is also suitable).