Do you have a device connected to your computer, such as a scanner or sound card, but it doesn't work? The driver for this hardware may be disabled. In order to enable it, you must follow these steps.

Step 1
Click the Start button on the bottom panel of your desktop.
Step 2
Right-click on the "Computer" icon. In the drop-down menu, select the "Properties" item, the "System" console will open in front of you.
Step 3
In the left pane of the window that opens, select "Device Manager". Windows will ask you to confirm this action, click "OK". You will see a list of the equipment installed on the computer.
Step 4
Find the name of the category to which the device you want belongs and expand it by clicking on the plus sign.
Step 5
Right-click on the name of the hardware whose driver you want to enable. In the drop-down menu, select the "Properties" item.
Step 6
In the window that opens, click on the "Driver" tab.
Step 7
Click on the "Engage" button. Windows will ask you to confirm this action, click "OK". Wait for the system's response to complete the operation.