When installing older versions of the Windows operating system, for example Windows XP, on relatively new computers, problems with the identification and selection of drivers may arise. Conversely, many older drivers will not work under the Windows 7 operating system. Most new laptops cannot install Windows XP at all without first implementing the IDE driver. Fortunately, there are many ways to "properly" install drivers on laptops and new computers.

It is necessary
- Access to the Internet
- Administrator account
Step 1
Start with a manual update. Go to the properties of "My Computer" and open the device manager. Hardware that does not have a suitable driver installed will be highlighted with an exclamation point triangle. Right-click on the desired hardware and select "update drivers". In the next window, click "automatic search and installation of drivers."

Step 2
Open any search engine on the Internet. Type in it “drivers‘ Hardware model ’download”. After downloading, follow the steps of the first step, but choose not automatic search, but "search for drivers on this computer." Next, specify the path to the previously downloaded drivers. It is best if the drivers you find are downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of this equipment. This will protect yourself from viruses and other threats.

Step 3
When the above actions do not help, there is only one way out. Download one of the many programs designed to update and install drivers. An example is the Sam Drivers package. Such softwares themselves determine the hardware, the drivers of which need updating or are missing, after which they automatically install or replace the necessary components.