The concept of hibernation is familiar to many personal computer users, with the help of this option they send the machine to hibernation. But few people remember that hibernation is a term borrowed from biology, and there it has a slightly different meaning.

Strictly speaking, hibernation is not a term, but a concept that combines a number of actions and characteristics of the subject. The very word "hibernation" today has different meanings.
In biology
From the point of view of biology and medicine, hibernation is a complex process of slow metabolism, in which energy is spent only on maintaining its vital functions. Hibernation is daily, seasonal and irregular. The diurnal is observed mainly in bats, as well as in hummingbirds.
Seasonal hibernation, or hibernation, is observed in insectivores and rodents, as well as some large mammals, such as:
- bear, - badger, - raccoon.
And finally, irregular hibernation. This process occurs in unfavorable conditions, it is characteristic of squirrels and raccoon dogs.
The duration of hibernation ranges from a couple of days to several months, depending on the ambient temperature, as well as on the favorable or unfavorable conditions of the surrounding world.
In the technical field
On the other hand, if we consider the computer sphere, "hibernation" refers to the hibernation of the computer, that is, the state when the RAM saves information before shutting down the computer. Most often, tablets and laptops are put into hibernation mode; the forced hibernation mode is not typical for stationary computers.
Hibernation is created artificially so that a gadget, computer or other electronic device works longer and does not require recharging.
In this mode, the power supply to the device completely stops, but, nevertheless, user data, including unprotected ones, is stored on the hard disk, and when you turn on the device again, you can easily continue your work.
The advantages of using the hibernation mode include the speed and automation of the PC. The computer will automatically save the necessary information and shut down. The disadvantages include the use of a large amount of memory and the possible occurrence of problems associated with the use of this function of the device.
Hibernation uses a large amount of RAM, and therefore, during a virus attack, it quickly "gives" the contents of the PC to malware.
As you can see, hibernation is a rather complex and at the same time unique process, both in natural and artificial environments. If we compare the two facets of one concept, then we can say that the phenomenon created by nature is amazing and unique, and although a person tries to reveal the secret of this ability to programmed sleep, he is far from always able to create a miracle that nature is capable of.