Liquid crystal monitors have long been recognized by users for their high image quality and gentle effect on the eyes. Perhaps the only difficulty when using such a monitor is its cleaning.

Step 1
As you know, it is undesirable to touch liquid crystal monitors with your hands, but for some reason they often leave traces of dirty fingers, dust, streaks and all kinds of dirt. How do I clean my computer monitor without hurting it?
Step 2
For cleaning the monitor, use special cloth wipes - smooth, lint-free. They can be bought at a computer store, as well as in optics, because glasses of glasses are wiped with a similar cloth. These wipes can be used to remove dust from the monitor without risking scratching. If there are no dirty or greasy spots on the surface of the screen, but there is only a small layer of dust, wipe it off with dry cloths. Please note that dust from the monitor should be wiped off at least once a month. Dust is harmful to a person who works at a computer. In addition, it builds up electrical voltage that can damage the monitor.
Step 3
Specialized hardware stores sell gels and sprays to clean your monitor. Their uniqueness is that they do not contain alcohol and powder, because these substances can spoil the surface of the monitor. Apply some special gel to a cleaning cloth and wipe the monitor with it. With a dry napkin, immediately wipe the areas where streaks are possible.
Step 4
A special spray for cleaning monitors can be applied to the very surface of the screen. However, do not splash too much of the product; the screen does not need extra moisture. Wipe the monitor with a dry, lint-free cloth until the liquid is dry.
Step 5
If you don't have special cleaning products on hand, use regular soap. Make a mild soapy water solution and use two smooth monitor cloths. Lightly dampen a cloth with soapy water and wipe the monitor. Immediately dry the screen surface with a second cloth.