You can program in the java language in a regular Notepad. True, there will be no hints from the environment about errors or class inheritance, there will be no beautiful and convenient highlighting of the code. In addition, to compile the code you write, you need the compiler included with the Java Development Kit.

It is necessary
Java Development Kit program
Step 1
Download the Java Development Kit from the developer's official site if you haven't already. Install the program by double clicking on the installation file. The program is distributed free of charge, and you do not need to pay to use it. Install on a local drive of a personal computer. Typically, such software should be installed on the system partition, as it is a system utility.
Step 2
Set up environment variables. The operating system needs to specify where to start the java machine from. To do this, in the properties of the computer, select "Advanced Settings" and then - "Environment Variables". Add to the end of the path variable the path to the installed JDK, to the bin folder. You can copy it entirely from the address bar of the File Manager and paste it into the variable field, removing the extra slash at the end.
Step 3
Check running the compiler from the command line. Open the command line utility from the start menu. Go from the command line to the folder with your written program - to the place where the main class with the main function is stored. Enter the command javac [filename].java
Step 4
If errors occur during compilation, the compiler will output them to the command line as a text message with the line number where the error occurred. For small projects, this workflow and testing is fine, but for large programs it is better to tinker with a developer environment - JBeans or Eclipse. If you are a beginner programmer, you can use the Java Development Kit software for training, and later work with more complex programs that provide more extensive functions, but require skills to work with such systems.