The Blue Screen of Death, or BSOD, is a problem that every user has encountered at least once. Do not panic and frantically dial the number of the nearest service center. First you need to find out if it is possible to bring the computer into working condition on your own.

In most cases, the Blue Screen of Death is caused by a critical error in the Windows operating system. Only occasionally BSOD can appear due to a malfunction in the computer hardware. For reasons of a programmatic nature, one can refer to the next update of the OS, drivers or incorrect installation of software. CPU overheating, hard disk file system errors, RAM and power supply can also be the culprit behind a PC crash.
The Blue Screen of Death itself is an information board that indicates the very reason for its appearance and how it was solved. It is necessary to pay attention to the subheading Technical Information, after which there is a line with the name of the stop error itself, such as STOP: 0x0000001E. The last two characters change depending on the cause of the problem. All that remains for the user to do is remember or write down the error code. After that, it remains to enter this combination of numbers and letters into the search line and find out exactly what the problem is. As a rule, Internet resources not only decode, but also tell in detail about the methods of troubleshooting.
Before resorting to the help of the Internet, you can try a universal and safe method - restoring the system to the moment when the computer was working stably and without failures.
Please note: in cases where the blue screen of death appears for only a few seconds and it is impossible to remember the stop error, you can simply take a picture of it.