A burnout of a computer element is always an unpleasant event. Usually such equipment is difficult to repair and expensive to replace. But before you buy new hardware, you need to find out what exactly burned out. The computer processor does not burn so often, but you need to start with it.

Step 1
Turn on your computer. Listen to the signals that the BIOS speaker emits. In the instructions for BIOS alerts, determine the cause of the malfunction. This will help narrow your search. The fact is that a burnout of the processor is rarely issued by the BIOS, so if you did not find signals, then the suspicion of the processor increases. Sometimes it happens that when you turn on the computer, all coolers work, but the monitor screen does not turn on. Do not rush to sin on the video card, if it malfunctions, the BIOS will let you know with its signals.
Step 2
Disassemble the system unit. Remove the CPU cooler. Then unscrew the radiator, or remove it using special latches. If the processor is burnt out, you will smell a characteristic smell. But, as practice shows, it may not exist. Also look around the socket. It may be blackened, indicating burnout. Try changing your thermal paste. Remember not to cover parts with a thick layer of paste. It should be thin and uniform. After that, assemble the processor and turn on the computer. If the monitor screen does not light up, then the likelihood of a burnout of the processor is quite high.
Step 3
Check the hardware on another computer. After completing the first two steps, test the processor on another computer. This is the surest way to determine if your kernel is healthy. But he is also the most dangerous. There is a possibility that the motherboard of another computer will burn out. So be careful. Do not turn on the computer for a long time if you are convinced that the processor is faulty. As soon as you install your processor in another computer, be sure to apply thermal paste to it and the heatsink. Then turn on your computer. If the monitor screen lights up, all systems are functioning normally, then your processor is healthy. Otherwise, you will have to replace it.