It would seem how versatile the PDF format is, which is recognized by many programs, including even Internet browsers, but many users still try to convert it to Word processor files. How to translate the PDF format into Word, and most importantly - why, will be discussed further. Several basic techniques can be used. And some of them are such that many users either do not know about them, or simply forget.

Why would you need a PDF to DOC / DOCX conversion?
Let's start with the questions regarding why convert PDF to text format of the office editor Word at all. As many users explain, they need this to be able to edit the original content of the document. But why exactly Word and not some other application? Apparently, the problem is that specialized programs for editing PDF files seem to many novice users to be quite difficult to learn and use, but almost everyone knows how to work with an office editor in half (at least in terms of using standard and simplest actions - exactly). In addition, many users to work with PDF install maximum viewers, not full-fledged editors, and when you need to make immediate editing, nothing but Word is at hand.
How to translate PDF to Word by copying the contents of the original file?
But let's look at the main methods of such transformations and start, as they say, from the primitive itself. As you know, any program has the ability to copy content and then paste it from the clipboard into another application (of course, compatible). Thus, even in the viewer, you can select all the content, copy and paste it into Word.
But there is one nuance here. Since the PDF format is no longer a textual format, but a graphic one, an object inserted into Word will also be just a picture, which cannot be edited. But then how do you translate a document from PDF to Word so that both text and graphics can be changed? It is much better to use applications like Adobe Reader. In this program, you can set the editing mode and only then do copy and paste. It's even easier - immediately in the program, select the option to save with the indication of the Word format.

Using the features of the Word text editor
But what to do if the above utility is not at hand? And here you don't need to go far, since the word processor Word 2010 and higher itself has its own means of working with this format. How to translate PDF to Word for editing? Elementary! To open, you just need to specify not the DOC or DOCX formats, which are set in the default file type field, but select PDF (in the latest versions of the editor, it is not necessary to set the desired format, since the option to recognize all supported document types is set by default).
However, when you try to open it, the program will immediately display a warning that after optimizing the format for editing, the content may not look the same as in the original file. Nothing wrong with that. The basic structure will not change anyway. Finally, to complete the conversion completely, the edited document simply needs to be saved in the appropriate "native" text editor format.
How to convert PDF to Word using converters
If you are not satisfied with the tools and methods described, you can use third-party programs. Any such converter makes it quite easy to convert PDF to Word. You just need to select the source file, specify the location of the target object and activate the start of the process. The advantage of such applications is that they can batch convert multiple files at the same time. If you use two-way programs (PDF to Word and vice versa), the possibilities for conversions are significantly expanded.

Online services
How to translate PDF to Word, so to speak, with improvised means, is a little clear. Finally, a few words about Internet services that also allow you to perform such actions. Of course, they have not received very wide distribution, nevertheless, they can be used when there is nothing at all. At the same time, users can benefit from the fact that you can translate PDF to Word for free. True, it will take a little more time, since the file uploaded to the site for conversion may not be the only one and will be queued, and not all online services support batch conversion (it will be impossible to upload several files).