Recently, the use of modern software has become a daily activity. This primarily applies to software products that are part of Microsoft Office. At the moment, it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with Microsoft products. The Word text editor is perhaps the most popular of all the components included in the package. In the domestic labor market, the ability to work in this program at a basic level is appreciated. Now it is almost impossible to get a job in any computer company without a thorough knowledge of the Word program and all its capabilities.

Step 1
For many newbies, it has long been a mystery how to insert Roman numerals into a word. To date, this task has been finally solved. Typically, Roman numerals are used to indicate items in a product listing. They came to us from the time of the Roman Empire, which had its own system of calculation, which in ancient times was quite advanced. Over time, the use of the Roman alphabet was reduced to the use of only numbers in spelling. However, Roman numerals, due to their popularity and exclusivity, can be used interchangeably with the letters and numbers of any other alphabet. To dial a Roman numeral, switch the keyboard to the English layout. The letter I denotes the number 1, V is 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500, M is 1000. That is, to dial 583, dial DLXXXIII sequentially. Consider a more complex example: 8491 in Roman numerals will be written as MMMMMMMMCCCCLXXXXI. And 2011 will look like MMXI.
Step 2
Practice using Roman numerals every day and over time you will learn how to type any whole mathematical number using Roman numerals on your keyboard. Learn the Roman numeral system. This will allow you, after practice, to learn to operate with Roman numerals as quickly as with Arabic numerals. In scientific literature, Roman numerals are used to indicate centuries, which emphasizes their historical importance through the prism of centuries. However, it is also worth noting that at the moment the use of Roman numerals in modern popular science literature is minimized. So, if you accidentally see them in any new book or magazine, you can consider yourself incredibly lucky. The presence of Roman numerals in the English alphabet clearly indicates the origin of the English language.